Download JS Mobile Drivers Tool for all Android devices - 2022

JS Mobile Drivers Tool - 2022 | MTK | SPD | OPPO, VIVO, Samsung, Huawei, and more

Drivers are specialized software modules that connect the hardware of a device to the software of available programs. This enables the hardware components to 'talk' to the operating system.

One of the most boring operations that you do after installing a new copy of Windows is to install the necessary drivers that you need in your work

Some software may search for Android device definitions and download them from the Internet every time after installing a new Windows version

Or search for it in the folders and folders on your hard disk

Of course, these processes take a lot and a lot of time in searching for the definitions of different Android phones and installing them on the computer

Therefore, we have designed one free program developed by the Joker Soft team, which is the JS Mobile Drivers Tool

In this program, we have added the most important and most important definitions for Android phones, All Android USB Drivers

To make it easier to work on the software and software technicians and not to search for definitions every time after installing a new version of Windows

All definitions are built into the program and you will not need to install any additional external definitions


JS Mobile Drivers Tool includes a wide range of the most important drivers for Android devices that you need constantly, such as:

  • First: All Mediatek Devices USB Drivers
  1. OPPO Qcom And Mtk Drivers USB Drivers
  2. CM2 MTK Drivers_v1.00 USB Drivers . Media drivers for your CM dongle
  3. All MTK Devices USB Drivers
  4. Drivers for install UsbDk_1.0.22_x86 USB Drivers
  5. Drivers for install UsbDk_1.0.22_x64 USB Drivers
  6. Nokia MTK Driver x86 USB Drivers
  7. Drivers for Nokia MTK USB Driver x64
  • Second: All Qualcomm Devices USB Drivers
  1. CM2 Dongle QLM USB Driver
  2. Drivers for All Qualcomm Devices USB Driver
  • Third: All Spreadtrum Devices USB Driver's drivers
  1. All SPD USB Drivers 
  2. CM2 Dongle SPD Driver

How To Use?

  1. First, you need to download the driver file from the below link
  2. Next open and run the tool "J-S Mobile Drivers Tool.exe" always run as admin mode

  3. Next, you needed drivers to click on there and install all needed drivers
  4. Next restart the pc and connect the device
  5. Done !!!

File Information:

File Name: Download JS Mobile Drivers Tool  Uploaded By: Yogesh JoshiFile Size: 384 MB


Compatibility: The tool runs perfectly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit).

Take a Backup: If you are willing to try the above tool, then please take a backup of your personal data from your Android Smartphone or Tablet. As flashing any Firmware or recovery may brick the device.

Credits: JS Mobile Drivers Tool is created and distributed by the developer. So, full credits go to the developer for sharing the tool for free.

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