Download AXIOM v6.0.0.31091 Recover & Analyze Your Evidence in One Case.

FREE AXIOM v6.0.0.31091 (UFED or OxyGen Similar Tool) Pro Download

Magnet AXIOM is purpose-built to recover, process, and analyze digital evidence from a variety of sources regardless of whether you use AXIOM or third-party tools to acquire your data.

Recover deleted data and investigate digital evidence from the computer, mobile, cloud, and vehicle sources easily with powerful and intuitive Analytics tools all in one case file.

Recover data from iOS and Android devices with the artifact first approach of AXIOM to get the most relevant evidence for the most popular applications.

Recover deleted data and analyze evidence from Windows, Mac, Chrome, and Linux devices including browser history and deleted files.

Process and examine data from warrant returns, user-generated archives, and live cloud services, with artifacts from 50+ of the most popular cloud services.


Find Key Evidence Quickly

Magnet AXIOM’s analytical tools can cut through the digital noise for you, so you can focus on what’s relevant. Take advantage of Media Explorer, Cloud Insights Dashboard, Magnet.AI, Connections, Timeline, and more, to find the evidence you need.

Analyze Your Evidence in One Case

Recover, analyze, and report on data from mobile, computer, cloud, and vehicle sources in one case file with an artifact-first approach. Easily recover deleted data, analyze digital evidence, create reports, and share portable case files with Magnet AXIOM.

Artifact-First Approach

Discover the full history of a file or artifact to build your case and prove intent. With Magnet AXIOM, get the most up-to-date artifact support for the most recent devices and sources, such as vehicles, cloud services, and mobile devices.

Investigate and Categorize Media Efficiently

Automatically analyze text and media content to identify case-relevant evidence such as nudity, weapons, drugs, and sexual conversations, while pre-categorizing known Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) with Media Explorer and Magnet. AI.

Maximize Your Existing Lab Infrastructure

Discover evidence you could be missing by ingesting extractions from other vendors, such as Grayshift, Cellebrite, Oxygen, Bella, and many more. With the artifact-first approach of Magnet AXIOM, you can uncover unique evidence from iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Chromium, Linux, and vehicle extractions.

Streamline Your Evidence Workflow

AXIOM is at the heart of the Magnet Digital Investigation Suite. Maximize the AXIOM advantage and reduce your time to evidence by automating device processing with AUTOMATE, sharing relevant evidence with REVIEW, and managing digital evidence with ATLAS.



Added a new Recovery Method field to the Artifact Reference which documents artifacts that are carved, parsed, or both.
AirDrop Available Recipients, AirDrop Background Activity, AirDrop Discoverability, AirDrop Incoming Transfers, AirDrop Outgoing Transfers, and USB Connection History | iOS and macOS: Improvements to processing time.
AMR Files | Android and iOS: Updated support for reporting additional fragments.
Android Messages | Android: Updated support for the recovery of media attachments. [8.4.041]
Facebook Messenger Messages | iOS: Updated support to recover media attachments. [367.0]
MBOX | Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux: Added parsing support for MBOX E-mails.
Privacy Dashboard | Android: Added support for Privacy Dashboard.
Samsung Story Service | Android: Added support for dme.DB for location artifacts on Samsung devices.
WeChat Friends, WeChat Messages, and Identifiers-People | Android: Updated multi-account support.


A timestamp now displays in the location pop-up when working in world map view.
Performance improvements to the filtering and global search in the Timeline explorer.
When building the Timeline explorer, if indexing is canceled, a warning appears to notify you that global search won't be available within the explorer.
When creating a Project VIC / CAID export, AXIOM Examine now exports one file attachment per unique hash. In addition, the attachments folder is now organized into subfolders based on hash value, reducing the number of files in each individual folder. This change will reduce duplicates and allow you to more easily navigate the attachments folder in large exports.
You can now search pictures for human hands using Magnet. AI.

Bug fixes

Sometimes, when opening a case, AXIOM Examine would crash. -AXE-10595
In AXIOM Examine, when the Media explorer was set to build automatically, it would build correctly but sometimes an error message would indicate that the build had failed. -AXE-10591
Sometimes, PST exports would fail. -AXE-10607
Significant performance improvements when you run optical text recognition in pictures from the AXIOM Process. -AE-2351
Previously, you were unable to acquire Google Drive backups of WhatsApp accounts. -CAO-3163
Improved parsing of config files for OneDrive folders. -COMP-1797

How To Use?

  1. First, you need to download the zip file from the below link
  2. Next, you can unzip all files at c: drive it's very important
  3. Next, open the folder which you have to extract all files
  4. Run the setup file
  5. Next open the loader folder and past all patch DLL files to the AXIOM folder
  6. Next, open the tool as admin and connect to pc mobile.
  7. Enjoy


File Download:

File Name: AXIOM v6.0.0.31091 FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: HEREFile Size: 3.8 GB


Compatibility: The tool runs perfectly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit).

Take a Backup: If you are willing to try the above tool, then please take a backup of your personal data from your Android Smartphone or Tablet. As flashing any Firmware or recovery may brick the device.

Credits: AXIOM v6.0.0.31091 is created and distributed by the developer. So, full credits go to the developer for sharing the tool for free.

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