Feature Infinity, Chinese Miracle-2 SP2/SPD-UniSoc v2.08
Infinity, Chinese Miracle-2 SP2 / SPD-UniSoc v2.08 – NAND, Forensic and new features and new models have been updated in this tool. Ik is a work update for all Infinity, Chinese Miracle-2 users
Security Repair allow change BT/WiFi MAC
Useful only in DiagMode for UniSoc(E-line), Flash/Diag for SPRD line
Changed: Security Repair options – Generate MAC’s – double click at MAC field to generate and activated
Changed: Security Repair options – AutoIncremental set SEC2/SEC3 fields when SEC1 set. Just double click in the text field
Changed: Security Repair: NVM Manager updated according to latest devices changes
Changed: Identity: Support identify for UniSoc NAND line
Changed: Identify : NAND identify speed increased
New Feature
UniSoc NAND SC9820E/SC7731E support activated !
Allow backup FW from range of phones, based on SC9820E/SC7731E SoC with NAND flash memory
Firmware is complete, not damage any security, ota or any other compatibility
Changed : Improved structure identification
Changed : Forced reading ( disable deep verify ) option enabled – Use WITH CAUTION!
Changed : Android 4.x / Mocor 5 specific changes
Changed : UBI defragmentation for NAND devices activated by default
Download Infinity, Chinese Miracle-2 SP2/SPD-UniSoc v2.08
File Name:Infinity, Chinese Miracle-2 SP2/SPD-UniSoc v2.08
- File type: compressed/Zip File Size:200MB
- Virus status: scanned by Avast security.
- File Password: 12345678
- Download Link
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