KFSU V1.0 is a small tool for windows computer by Renas Khali from Kurdish firmware. he was always given new tools for free. in this tool, users allow to Patch the boot image, Flash Kfsu file on android 6,7,8,9 version, And check su (Root check). this tool comes with a simple user interface you no need to activate or buy. if you like this tool please comment below and stay tuned for future updates.
Flash .kfsu File:
to flash patched .kfsu file that made by this tool don't forget to factory reset your device after flash kfsu file (it supports android 4,5,6,7,8,9)
Patch boot.img
This operation work in ADB mode you need to connect your device that you want to make kfsu file for it and Extract boot.img from stock firmware and select it, it will patch it, after the patch you can use it.
Check SU
To check it KFSU installed on your device or not, (this option check kfsu and not check other SUs)
Reboot Download
If you have in download mode then you need to reboot download mode again then simply click one time on the "reboot download" button.
Reboot Recovery
If you need to boot your mobile in ADB mode to Recovery mode then simply Hit the button of "Reboot recovery" one time only in 5 seconds your mobile is a boot in recovery mode.
File Information:
Filename:- KFSU V1.0
File Size:- 10.6 MB
File Download:- Userupload
File Type:- RAR
File Password:-Without a password
Compatibility: The tool runs perfectly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit).
Take a Backup: If you are willing to try the above tool, then please take a backup of your personal data from your Android Smartphone or Tablet. As flashing any Firmware or recovery may brick the device.
Credits: KFSU V1.0 is created and distributed by the developer. So, full credits go to the developer for sharing the tool for free.
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