Samsung Tool PRO v33.7 Cracked and Free Activation by Jmvnzla - 2021 Latest Cracked !!!
hello, friends today in this post I have shared with you the latest version of Samsung tool pro 33.7 crack is a free activation also you have given from the Jmvnzla youtube channel. I have tested today this crack is no fack I have activation from a cracker. and now I have successfully run this crack on my computer.
Samsung Tool PRO is a tool for Samsung devices that can update software, switch the phone mode, bring the phone back to the factory settings, or change your phone’s language.
This software can read all the information on your phone directly without requiring any instructions, thus making it easy to use.
Apart from updating your phone software, you can also choose to use your phone on an older firmware version through this application. It manages the different updated versions and solves the problems related to phone freezes or booting up issues.
If you want to unlock your Samsung phone, Samsung Tool PRO can manage it for you directly without any further procedure.
It also creates backups for saving your data before each particular functionality so that you can restore all the data in your original position whenever required.
- Multilingual software interface: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Ukrainian, Arabic, Hungarian…
- The built-in firmware download manager
- Built-in a manual for each phone
- Skin selecting
- Short/normal phone models selecting
- History of each operation
- Settings
Every important bit of information and device status can be read directly from the phone. For example, the serial number, factory data, hardware data, etc.
The most common use for this function is either upgrades to new firmware versions or downgrades to older ones. Sometimes, it is used to change or add languages. In 90% of the case, most of the restart, freeze, and no-boot errors are solved after a software update of this type.
Backups create automatically before each critical part of the process; this is a functionality that provides extra safety.
-Z3X-BOX Samsung Update v33.7. New phones added, QCN reader/writer changes
Samsung Tool 33.7 Update. Some new phones added.
New phones added:
- support S5570B (Flashing, Direct unlock/IMEI repair, read/write QCN)
- support GT-S7390g (flashing, Unlock, Imei repair, Network repair, READ/WRITE cert)
- support SM-J100H (flashing, Unlock, Imei repair, Network repair, READ/WRITE cert) BETA - first in the world
- support SM-G800H (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility)
- support SM-G530FZ (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility) - first in the world
- support SM-G5108 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility)
- support SM-G5108Q (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility)
- support SM-G5109 (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility)
- support SM-G5306W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility)
- support SM-G5308W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility)
- support SM-G5309W (Flashing, WIPE efs, write CERT, Read/Write QCN, Auto detect CERT compatibility)
Addition function added for:
- I9060 (cert Read/Write)
- I9060L (cert Read/Write)
- I9063T (cert Read/Write)
- I9080E (cert Read/Write)
- I9082C (cert Read/Write)
- S7390 (cert Read/Write)
- S7390E (cert Read/Write)
- S7390G (cert Read/Write)
- S7390L (cert Read/Write)
- S7392 (cert Read/Write)
- S7392L (cert Read/Write)
- S7580 (cert Read/Write)
- S7580L (cert Read/Write)
- S7582 (cert Read/Write)
- S7582L (cert Read/Write)
- S7583T (cert Read/Write)
- SM-P601 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-P602 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-P901 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-T311 (cert Read/Write)
- SM-T312 (cert Read/Write)
QCN Reader/Writer - new supported MCU added.
Fixed: G530H/G530H cert writing for SIM2 (need double cert file!!!!)
Addition support added:
- support SM-T705 (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T705M (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T705Y (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T805 (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T805M (Read/Write CERT)
- support SM-T805Y (Read/Write CERT)
Fixed: MSL error3 on spd phones.
Instruction Activation:
- First, download Samsung too pro v33.7 crack zip file
- Extract on C: Without space in the folder name [PASSWORD- 123]
- Run loader file "Load_SamsungToolPRO v33.7.exe"
- Now in-display POP-UP is open you have to click on the Started button
- Now in display one massage is appeared with HWID
- you have copy ID on a notepad
- and Go To "" this link and past on comment box and request the developer to give you the Activation key
- once the activation file is received you have to past it on the same folder
- And Re-run the loader file
- now, he was not asked any activation
- Enjoy!!!
👉 DOWNLOAD - Samsung Z3x Tool Pro V33.7 crack 👇
Compatibility: The tool runs perfectly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit).
Take a Backup: If you are willing to try the above tool, then please take a backup of your personal data from your Android Smartphone or Tablet. As flashing any Firmware or recovery may brick the device.
Credits: Z3X Samsung Tool Pro v33.7 Crack is created and distributed by the developer. So, full credits go to the developer for sharing the tool for free.
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