A127F U3 Repair IMEI Android 11 R Firmware Fix Solution

A127F U3 Repair IMEI Android 11 R Firmware Fix Solution

A127F U3 Repair IMEI Android 11 R Firmware Fix [Iaasteam.Com] Archive Content IMEI Repair Firmware For Android 11 [A217F BIT 3] Flashable AutoRoot.TAR File Firmware has be Optimised and packaged with all you will need to repair your IMEI


Advanced Guide: 

To Begin Operation of this process you need Z3X Box [/

Download A127F U3 IMEI REPAIR Firmware and Root File

A127FXXU3AUJ5 Flash and root the phone.
Install the mixplorer_6.56.5.apk program and come to the root section from the top
Go to the product section on the home page and press 'build.prop', click on the three
dots at the top left to give permission, the permission will appear again at the bottom
of the page that opens, click on the text next to the left and do the value 777 below
777 and restart.
Then delete mixplorer 6.56.5.apk again, reinstall the program Allow root from
Magisk, go to the system folder on the Home page, select build.prop text editor and
enter line 18 on the keyboard and enter this code
type and restart.
Open the Samsung Tool with Z3X, select M127F and repair and patch.
If you make a mistake on your first try, try again.
Waiting ADB device. OK
Reading phone info.
Model: SM -M127F
Android version: 11
PDA version: A127FXXU3AUJ5
CSC version: A127FOJM3AUJ2
Phone version: A127FXXU3AU11
Product code: SM-A127FZWJXSG
CSC country code: UAE
CSC sales code: XSG
Carrier ID: MYM
IMEI: xxxxxxxxxxx
HW version: REV10
RF cal date: 20210930

Password: softwarecrackguru

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